Friday 30 June 2017


Hey, Guys!

How has the week been? Work, School, Friends, Family, Lovers, and Haters? Honestly, my prayer is that they are all okay.

Early this morning while I was taking a bath, I noticed something unique for the very first time in my life. I have been bathing there for days, weeks and even months not to have realized. It felt so much like I had been blinded for too long.

Usually, when I'm taking a bath, I use this plastic bowl I got from "the place" to pour water from my smallish bucket to my body. And this very morning I just put the bowl into the bucket to get water to pour on my body only to realize that the bowl felt a lot larger and heavier!

Then I decided to pay attention to the bowl and discovered it wasn't the usual the place bowl that was in my bathroom. And then I managed to cope with the different feel.

And I was pouring and pouring and suddenly, the water in the bucket had finished! I tried thinking back to recall if I had forgotten to fill up the bucket before taking a bath. I couldn't remember the water pouring onto the floor or the waste of a drop. And then the revelation Struck me!
 Whatever we have and whatever we own is just enough for us. My water, my bucket and my the place bowl was just perfect to take a bath every morning. But then I came across a bigger and heavier bowl and decided to try it regardless and I couldn't handle it. I wasted all my water.

Do you see the truth in this?
Sometimes in life, we think we aren't comfortable and we want to live large, live like Kings and be on top of the world. But can we really handle it?
Of course, If I had taken precautions of the bowl's wide mouth and it's ability to take more water, I would simply have reduced the quantity of water at a time. But I was nonchalant because after all, it's a bowl as well.

Where we are today, we may be struggling and we know it. But we are more eager to experience a turn around than we are prepared to handle the change.

Every advancement in life comes with a greater task. Just as the bowl felt bigger and heavier, in life a step forward would be bigger but a lot heavier. We can't keep pushing to lead without preparing for leadership, we can't keep fighting for more without preparing a space to accommodate the increase.

I learned a big lesson this morning and I just thought it would be nice to share with you.
Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday 28 June 2017


Image result wey dey for lagos early morning busy road

Lagos and it's many characters. Trust me, it is a City with hilarious personalities. Everybody in Lagos contributes to defining Lagos. 

Here are some Lagos facts...

  1.  On a Monday morning, every soul in a car that appears on the road is rushing somewhere but when a fellow madman "jams" his car, he comes down to start a fight. What happened to where he was rushing to?
  2. In Lagos, beggars don't beg when it is raining. Why?
  3. Hawkers sell their goods come rain come the sun, they fight to survive.
  4. In Lagos, VI, Lekki, Ikoyi, beggars don't beg when cars are hurrying to work they show up at evening and night time. Why?
  5. In Lagos, when a fellow rider drives like an idiot, why do we always look into their cars like we want to beat them up and we eventually don't?
  6. Why do Lagosians feel blasting gbedu in their cars make them the IN thing?
  7. If you don't have an iPhone as a Lagos girl you are not a sharp girl. Why?
  8. If you don't have a gold chain as a Yahoo boy, you haven't made it. Why?
What is missing? Let's add it up. Let's have fun!

Friday 23 June 2017

EVEN ROCKS CRACK- Deborah Erakpor

Hey guys! I told you about Debby and her little experience? So she is just about to share it with you. Lol, Pay rapid attention guys.
Yes! Even rocks are capable of having cracks!

Looking at my life, I can say this phrase was born out of an experience which I had recently. So, sometime this week, I had an interview and I was to meet the CEO of the firm because I had passed the first two stages of the interview. On meeting her, we sat down and the session began.

She asked a couple of memorable questions and in the midst of all those questions gave rise to very insensitive remarks as well as insults. It was like from 0 to 100 in a jiffy!  Ouch! as I sat there in awe and absolutely bewildered by what had just happened.

Did I forget to mention? She had the nastiest attitude and aura I’d ever seen in my entire life. But despite how tough I am naturally, I left back to my office demoralized, so down in my spirit and I didn’t think I’d have been able to recover for at least another 24 hours. It sank in pretty deep but as a strong believer of resisting negative vibes I picked myself up very quickly.

Now, I want you to understand that even rocks are capable of having cracks. This very experience made me realize that no matter how tough you are, there are possibilities’ of getting hurt by people and that is okay. Because many of them are people who know nothing about your journey or what you have been through, even the ones that do know a bit would do same and it would sting like a bee.

It is not what you deserve but the reality of life.

 No one is above getting hurt or being put down. Nevertheless, being hurt doesn’t mean staying hurt. The fact that there are cracks on a rock doesn’t stop the rock from being a rock. It still maintains its position and stands firm in the ground. True strength does not come from avoiding the hurts, the bad words, the nasty attitude, the rude boss, the cheating boyfriend or the fake friend as the case may be. True strength comes from how you are able to rise above all these and still be you-  Beautiful, Bold and Confident.

What was meant to hurt me, couldn’t hurt me it helped me and what was meant to kill me couldn’t kill me, it cured me.
What was meant to break me couldn’t break me, it built me and what was meant to imprison me couldn’t imprison me, it prepared me.
I won’t stay down and be hurt; I won’t let the negative vibes in because I won’t give another person the key to the drivers’ right to my emotions. If you give them the power to control you they certainly will.
And no one but you alone should have such power to manipulate your emotions.
So let them do their “best” (worst), let them say what they want, you just build a wall and when you get a crack and water comes in? boldy sh shake it off and stand firm, keep your head up, bask in positive vibes and keep it moving because even rocks are capable of having cracks but it doesn’t change it from being a rock and standing firm.


Sometimes, we just have to let go off something's that are designed to hurt us and burn our ego. Because when we don't let go? We stay in that moment for years without realizing it. One advice is, Believe in who you are and not anyone's opinion. When you are asked "tell me about yourself" what would you say? Well, I'd say, I am an amazing sexy ass girl! A lover to the core!

What would you say?

Written By: Deborah Erakpor
Edited By: Jessy Deremi

Thursday 22 June 2017



Listen here, graduates. Plenty of people will tell you to enjoy this time and not worry about what’s to come. And that’s just plain bad advice.
This season of life ahead of you is important. Don’t waste it. At the same time, don’t drive yourself crazy with the fear of missing out or the stress of making the wrong choice. This season is all a delicate balancing act.
You never really leave the classroom. There’s always a new lesson life has to teach you, if you’re willing to listen. So don’t worry too much about what to do. Worry, instead, about who you are becoming.

“Don’t worry Whether or not you’re continuing your education, never stop learning. Become a student of the world around you. Travel to new places. Meet interesting people. Read as many books as possible. Pray and meditate, reflecting on who you are and are becoming. These practices offer your soul the quiet it needs in a world where such practices are becoming obsolete.

*Don’t worry about what to do. Worry about who you are becoming. Focus on continued growth and learning, and what you’re meant to do will become clear over time.
*Stop looking for the perfect job and start creating it. The best way to do what you love is to build the perfect job for yourself. Start a small business, if even as a hobby, so you’re never completely on someone else to earn a living.
*Instead of chasing your dream, serve someone else’s dream first. This will save you years of pain and accelerate your growth in ways you can’t imagine. And it will humble you.

So that’s my advice. Do with it (time) what you will, but please do something.
I pray it helps you and I...

Akobundu Immaculata Chinonso

Productivity Plus Afternoon Tea- July 1 2017

A lot of time when I look back, I sincerely wish I had so many flying opportunities as there are now. I am more than sure I would have been your President by now. But I want to encourage everyone both Young & Old, Its never too late to chase after an opportunity. As long as you're alive you need to keep advancing.  Join us on the 1st of July lets help you up that ladder! 

See you there guys!

Wednesday 21 June 2017


Image result wey dey for i hate my boss

Hi guys!

It's been an amazing week with lots of drama, I am sure Debby has a story to tell Lol. Well, I am sure we all come across several depressing, tormenting and frustrating situations in our day to day life but all we need is to be calm and take control over our emotions. We need to guard our emotions like our gold and silver because it truly is.

The Greatest Power anyone can have over us is the Power of our Emotions. Never let anyone toy with your emotions (feelings)
Speaking of myself? I don't hate me because of my boss but I am pretty sure some cases may differ. It will differ because you aren't  me neither am I to you. It is quite clear that Human Beings are different and we all have different levels of Patience, Absorbance, and Resilence.

It may happen sometimes that we have some misunderstanding with our bosses because of work done and not done, information passed but not received, or many at times their principles of doing things.

But I have a question...
Why would anyone want to influence somebody else's Principle? Somebody else's way of doing things just because we don't like it? We should get one thing right which is, "it is their style"
We can hardly do anything about what someone has decided to be like. But should we then become unhappy because of what they are like?

Let People be free to be what they want as long as they are comfortable in their own skin
That is my belief.
 Not for anything should you hate yourself because who then will Love you? Your Boss loves his life, she also loves her life just get it.

They may Boss you, Toss you but they won't kill you. Form that thick skin to every bullshit and every demoralizing statement because you wouldn't have been hired if they didn't see that awesome potential in you.

Rise up above Words.
But if Words turn to Actions, take your leave.

So from today on?

Image result wey dey for i love my boss

See you soon guys!

Wednesday 14 June 2017


Image result wey dey for parting

I was told it was dangerous to love but above all more dangerous to be in love.
I fell like a baby born to fall and without regrets I soiled in it.
I had never felt a better joy or a happier moment. It was like a moment of fulfillment.
I was warned against things that looked too real to be true that they just might be mere wishes, but I wasn’t listening and so I fell deeply into his coven.

I tried to pull myself out or even find a rescue hand but the more I tried the more I died inside of me.
Ejecting what I thought completed me was my worst nightmare.
How couldn’t he want me anymore? Wasn’t I enough or was I not just good enough. He used to call me his Everything until I became nothing of value to him.
But where did I miss it? And where did I go wrong? He was the symbol of love in my heart.

I thought if loving less was a risk to losing him, then loving more would have been a way to keep him forever.
But I said- If you ever stop loving me just tell me and let me go. I lost control of everything the day reality was born.

What is reality? Does it really exist?

I have asked myself so many times what exists and what doesn’t exist. And I realized that I exist. My thoughts are real, my feelings are true and my life is a miracle. In my existence, I found the truth behind reality.

Reality like my mind tells me is not what I think but what is true. And what is true is not about how I feel but how things turn out to be. I am not reality, just as reality is not me. And just as I exist, reality does exist too.

Along the way I understood that I can’t make my reality but I can make my wishes. Reality is what effort, time and consistency can dare to forge but reality is the result of things done yesterday, today, tomorrow or the day after.

I may have wished us a forever but reality says; today, we part ways and so our story ends here…

Image result wey dey for walking away