Monday 28 July 2014


I am sure many would have asked why there are writers when anyone can just sit and write when sad or happy. Here is the reason why!
What Makes Writing So Important?
  • Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged—in college, in the workplace, and in the community.
  • Writing expresses who you are as a person.
  • Writing is portable and permanent. It makes your thinking visible.
  • Writing helps you move easily among facts, inferences, and opinions without getting confused—and without confusing your reader.
  • Writing promotes your ability to pose worthwhile questions.
  • Writing fosters your ability to explain a complex position to readers, and to yourself.
  • Writing helps others give you feedback.
  • Writing helps you refine your ideas when you give others feedback.
  • Writing requires that you anticipate your readers’ needs. Your ability to do so demonstrates your intellectual flexibility and maturity.
  • Writing ideas down preserves them so that you can reflect upon them later.
  • Writing out your ideas permits you to evaluate the adequacy of your argument.
  • Writing stimulates you to extend a line of thought beyond your first impressions or gut responses.  
  • Writing helps you understand how truth is established in a given discipline.
  • Writing equips you with the communication and thinking skills you need to participate effectively in democracy.
  • Writing is an essential job skill.

~based upon brochures from Brown University
and the University of Missouri

Monday 21 July 2014

words of a proud heart

perilous day

All the serpents of the earth breeze out from their dreaded bound
A path were we can never abound
Laughing sarcastically to the ground
We can only appeal never to be found
Our lives are sacred
We cannot let it be shredded
Many days have faded
This breath has not just started
Long before we were created
We were counted
So let us not exercise ourselves for granted

better still  let us resound.


Her shameful glory she eulogizes all day
Never so callous for her to say
To her heaven and hell is her command
She cries in demand
Tearful joy she yearns for her opponent
Never in interest of how she makes others despondent
Bitter and sweet sugar she desires
After an epic failure she retires
Failing to realize there is a messiah
Disappointed in the joy of others
Now cloaking at different corners
Her prey is long gone
Gone to seek the right God
The atrocious call her devil
Because she is evil
We all anticipate a change which is deemed
But by faith she is redeemed.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Your Lies

My Jupiter
I respect you even as the sun knows its limit
In your instinct we rest on the orbit
It feels like I ride a limousine when you call my name     
I am least in regards of how you came my way          
Your flattering is like the poets sayings
Even so you daze me like daisies
I aviate on an eagle’s wing because I am with you  
 And I eternally want to be by you                            
After an extensive talk with you I see the Heavens smiling at me 
And the walls yelling at me but I am not telling on them    
Once again I am a princess because my superman is here    
What a wonderful year
After we fell in love you caused an earthquake
I am astonished you are fake
Your words have become a twine that I know how to untie 
I only choose to unite          
Your words have turned my heart to a broken shell
When I thought it was love we would share
Those whispers of yours draw out my stream
I thought it was a dream                               
But I wait for those words to take me to pearly gates
Then I would be with my only date.             


My love, his royal highness
Bewitched by his words
Listening to Lorde’s music and praising him like he is Lord

My love, my heart beat
I am so baffled by his presence even when I know he is not my essence
He is my hero or I am Zero

My synoptic heart whose decision is to accost to its beat
I dread the end

But all I want is his true love in return. 

Tuesday 15 July 2014


I slept off.
It is not unusual because my bed is like paradise, very comfortable and relaxing. But I think today is different, this dream just had to pull through. In my dream I had slept the whole day and I woke after the sun set. As fond as I am with the sky the clouds and the weather, I could not help but look into the sky after such a long and sound sleep. I had rolled from the right to the left corner of my bed trying to stretch after cracking all my ankles as I smiled and said to myself “what a wonderful day”.
 I adjusted to my window side which is directly above my head to take a quick look at the sky. When I looked at it, for the first time it seemed very scary to me. I had seen something I could not understand. It was like a drawing but I interpreted it as a sign. It might be very funny but I grew up in a spiritually concentrated home, so I assumed it was “the illuminati sign”. I was scared. And at a point I thought I was the only one in the house not until my junior sister rudely entered my room. It was like she was angry that I had been sleeping and she was probably shouting my name for hours. But at that point I could not scold her because I was frightened. So I called her to come take a look, so she came close and stared into the sky. She said there was nothing. In fact I thought I was hallucinating but I can recall me not having acute malaria. So I held her by the shoulder and I told her to look well, and yes! I was not the only one that could see it.
I decided that I was going to tell my siblings, mum and dad.
As we turned back to reach for the door the room was already dark. Of course I now the way around my room so I was able to find my way to the door. Before I could get to the door, I saw an image sited on a chair in my room. To be honest I was ready and set to faint not until I realized it was my mum. I was just about to ask her what exactly she was doing there because I did not hear my door open after my little sister came in. Then she said “that sign you saw was a sign of rapture. You don’t want to know how I woke up because to me I woke myself up before I fall in a Trans.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Yes We Love God

I have never been so frightened in my life, but what I stumped upon this morning had my heart skip twice with a great fear.
Let me ask you; how would you react when you see such a statement “Do you really love God or you are just scared of going to hell?” I do not know how you just reacted but I was near tears. If you ask me why, is it that I do not love God? My answer is simple. I really fear and dread hell after all the numerous stories I have heard about it, I am sure no one wants to be there. So if I fear it and do not want to be there I rather draw closer to God.
I am sure the question is “is that why I am close to God so as not to end up in hell?” I wouldn’t say yes, you know why? Because it is clear that if you love God you will obey His commandments of which staying away from sin is mandatory! And I am sure we all know sin leads to hell. So what I am saying is, if you love God you will stay away from sin and hell would be far from you. Likewise if you do not want to go to hell you will stay away from sin and draw closer to God. Yes, the reason why many run to God is because they do not want to perish. But when they run and God accepts they get to know Him and they just cannot do without Him because they love Him. They start realizing who and how amazing it is in His presence.
The question many others are asking is “why then do I love God?”
I love God because He is my essence, the reason why I am me. I love him because He is my creator, so I would not be an ignorant fool to spend my eternity with the devil in hell. I love Him because He raises me high to more than I can be. So another quote could say “Do I really love God or I am just overwhelmed by His good deeds?” the answer to that question is, I love God for who He is. God is generous, He is kind, He is merciful, and He is love. So if I love what He blesses me with because it is who He is the generous God, the provider? Then yes I love him and I am overwhelmed by His good deeds.
The rap up of all I have for you is “Everyone that loves God fears hell and anyone that fears hell runs to God. And when they run to Him they get to know Him and they discover who our maker really is and they fall in love with Him. So friends do not let the saying “Do you really love God or you are just scared of going to hell?” kick you off balance.