Tuesday 3 May 2016


Image result for a mans dog
My bestfriend

We are both humans so,
When we quarrel in the end we forgive each other.
We roll on the floor and shake it off forgetting our differences.
We realize that we have loved ourselves ten times more few hours ago.
Whether or not we admit it, we know it.

His compliments he can’t hide.
He wiggles his tail in approval of my appearance.
He would ask “when would you be back”
….just with a simple bark.
There I would be, deciding whether or not to take him along.

I’ve grown so used to him…
Should he be sick or sad? I could cry all day
We would cuddle and watch telemundo
He would sleep off in my arms
Because he knows “I’d be there”

Many times he would cry over being single and heartbroken.
He would watch me cry too and say to me “my case is better than yours”
The mysterious smile I get fades my pain of loneliness
My dog is everything.
The “humans” are nothing.

We quarrel and never forgive each other.
We roll on the floor till one is crowned the best fighter.
We realize how much we hate each other,
Whether or not we say it, we know it.

Should you be sick or sad? Was the deal day they had been waiting for.
They would gather behind you to mock you

Many times you would be hurt but that’s their joy.

Dogs are loyal, they would love you till your death
The law of change does not affect a dogs’ love.

Let the “humans” go to the dogs and learn how to love and care for another.