Saturday 24 January 2015

Perfect Eyeliner Tutorial!

Comedian Ebiye trashes rapper,4runner in rap battle!


§  Tortoise breathe with their rear-ends.
§  Bullfrogs do not sleep.
§  About 97% of water on earth is undrinkable.
§  People don’t sneeze when they are asleep.
§  Almost half of the people in Manhattan live alone.
§  The hair on a polar bear isn’t white, it's transparent.
§  The average depth of an ocean is 3 miles.
§  Flamingos get their distinct colors from the fruit they eat.
§  The largest animal that ever lived and is currently living is blue whale.
§  The iPad 3 would have been the world’s fastest computer in 1986.
§  20% of Americans have a passport.
§  Black cats are considered bad luck in U.S but good luck in Japan.
§  Lightening strikes the earth about 8 million times a day.
§  The average American consumes about 120 apples a year.
§  12 people have walked on the moon, all men, all Americans.

§  20% of red meat eaten by humans is gotten from goat.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Why Do You Love Your Dad?

Do we love our dad's?
What's so special about your dad? Looking at it, Dad's pay less attention to us but mom's are ever there, nagging or not.

As for me, I love my dad because he is simply the best! Words cant describe, but to be honest I love my dad because i feel his attention through his actions to make me comfortable.

So whats it with your own dad?

Thursday 1 January 2015


Dear JB readers, I have experienced a lot in 2014 and I don't want to repeat so many in 2015.

I have hurt so many people and I have lost in the process.

I have now decided to mingle with new people with the lesson learnt in 2014.

All i say to you is that, we all have rights to make a choice in our lives and I have made mine. I hope God sees us through 2015.
Remember "It Is All About Us".