Wednesday 25 February 2015


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Rescue Me! O  Savior...
Satisfy me with your unending love.
I want to know what ecstasy is and give a new definition to it.
Cloud my thoughts with our moments.

Behold me I ask.
Sweeten my life and give it it's flavor.
Hold me close to you, or even closer.
I may need your love.
Come... Come help me come alive because without the melody of your words i am restless.
Please help me.

I am beautiful when you say I am, because you say I am not because I know I am but because I believe in what you say I am.

Save me and never leave me or save me and set me free.
Save me and trust me or save me and never request my trust.
Save me and honor my word or save me and get lost!

Whichever you desire make it quick.
All what matters is that I would be free either ways.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Restless Soul.

My dear soul.
I may have wronged your discipline.
I also may have stretched you too far.

I don't seem to find the eternal peace i desire.
I barely can tolerate my own wrongs.
Some part of me disagrees with the whole of me.
I guess I may have been disconnected from my source.

I have become frightened by my next decision,
The overwhelming pain of being lost in my world makes me loose my hope for a better untold.
This anger grips me hard.
This restlessness? I am confused.

Restless soul, restless soul...
How exactly can i put you at peace?

Restless soul, restless soul...
The only thing that bothers me is what went wrong.

Restless soul, restless soul...
Soon you will be fine again.

You definitely would be fine, we will be fine

Saturday 7 February 2015


I am just making an assumption that you may be quite puzzled on seeing the headline. The motivations behind my understanding you may not be able to phantom but I will tell you what these 2 words mean to us.
Saying above and beyond seem very much the same but they are critically different. Let me start by sharing with you where I drew out my inspiration. I want to politely judge us that we lack the time or pleasure to seek to know what is more than us. I am not exempted.
I was thinking about my life and what I would want to be this year not even 5 years from now anymore and I was beaten to no results. I sat and thought and consoled myself saying “a writer thinks so think” but believe me It’s not all about thinking because I thought and thought until I slept off. I woke to my own understanding that if I do not know what I want then I don’t know what would become of me and that is what is beyond me.
Things we do not know, things we cannot see, and things we have no idea about are beyond us. Our beyond is what we do not know. But you know what’s best about it? We have the ability to know.  Today I did not know what I wanted to be this year and it was beyond me because I couldn’t see it.
Speaking of “the above” we know where we are, we know what is below us and we know what is above us because they are both not far-fetched. This is like creating an illusion of a line where we can either fall down or climb up, no one knows what it’s going to feel like till either happens.
You see, when I woke up or before I slept I knew my future was beyond me and I needed to know what was going to be inside of it. We all have something above us; it further depends on what you take above you. Some may see tomorrow as their above, their secondary school seniors or even a pastor or a teacher.
What I term above is a helper a “divine helper” someone that could see me through till I make it in the end. My pastor is ahead (in front) of me but not above me. And below me is what I term “predicament” a disaster, a place where I have been saved from by the helper.
ABOVE & BEYOND is my motto for a great tomorrow.
Above first, then comes beyond. If you can’t access your above forget about your beyond. The above is God your helper and the beyond is the future you need God to help you come through. God first then the future comes after.